Day: March 12, 2010

Lenovo releases L2261, L2361p, L2461x 1080p LCD monitors, one with multitouch

source – by John Hobbes

Lenovo recently announced three new LCD monitors, all with 1080p resolution and ranging from 21.5 to 23.6 inches. The high end 23.6-inch model is also equipped with a multitouch screen and a design that would fit right in your home theater.

Lenovo L2261 Wide

At the bottom of the excitement scale is the L2261 Wide 21.5-inch LCD. While not much to look at compared to the other ones, the L2261 does have a pretty high resolution for its size: 1920×1080 in a sub-22 inch panel. It will hook up to most notebooks and desktops just fine with VGA and DVI inputs, but a cheap 1080p LCD is just screaming for HDMI. Also notably absent is the ability to rotate the display to a portrait orientation.

Lenovo L2361p Wide

Stepping up to the L2361p Wide will get you 23-inches, a stylish design, HDMI input and a TV-like stand. This is a pretty strong shift in design for Lenovo’s monitors, clearly taking an aim for the consumer LCDs sold by competitors like Hewlett Packard. You also get integrated speakers & mic, 3 USB 2.0 ports and a 0.3MP webcam. To top off the chique design, the standard push buttons for power, monitor settings, etc have been replaced with slick capacitive touch buttons.

Lenovo L2461x Wide with multitouch

The big, bad L2461x Wide gets the largest of the displays at 23.6-inches and is also the only one with multitouch capabilities. You get speakers, mic, USB ports and webcam on the L2461x, but the USB ports now total 4 and the webcam is a respectable 2.0MP. The slick capacitive touch buttons are also here, but you now have certain “Windows shortcuts” featured as well. Brightness takes a step up to 300 nits and the panel is purported to have “120Hz MEMC technology (Motion Estimation,Motion Compensation).”

Pricing & Availability

Unfortunately we don’t have any pricing or availability information on the L2261 or L2361p, but the touchscreen L2461x is listed at two vendors. The price is a not too shabby $549-580, but availability is “special order” or “call only” and you shouldn’t get your hopes of receiving one any time soon from them. There is also a listing on Lenovo’s Netherlands website with a €835 price tag, which converts to about $1145 USD.

Don’t forget the Green

As with most of Lenovo’s products these days, these new monitors are all Energy Star 5.0, WEEE and RoHS certified. This means they will be power efficient, easily recyclable and do not contain harmful substances like mercury or PBBs. You can also expect the packaging to be minimally wasteful and mostly recyclable. Hopefully they will include the nifty monitor packaging/bag announced last October.

Hit the jump to get the full tech specs on each of these monitors (in the image gallery)

Wall covering that changes its color

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This new wall covering called Change It comes from designer Amirkhan Abdurakhmanov. As its name implies, it may take on many forms. So how does it work? It is actually made of turn-triangles, each of which has a white side, black side, and unique rainbow shade. Turn them to create your own masterpiece. You can even write words, leave messages, or test out your art skills! Cool, right? Even when all the triangles are facing the same way, Change It still makes a pretty bold style statement.

IKEA advertising innovation…

First Microsoft Windows Phone 7 Series devices to boast 480 x 800 pixel displays

source – by Thomas Ricker

Even though Microsoft’s big MIX event is still days away, the Windows Phone 7 Series development platform is already pretty well defined. It’s also clear that Microsoft wants to keep things tidy for developers by requiring all WP7 phones to meet a certain base-level spec. Now, thanks to a post from Microsoft’s Shawn Hargreaves, we know the display resolution for the first batch of Microsoft’s next generation phones: 480 x 800 (WVGA) pixels at launch, with a future update that will introduce a 320 x 480 (HVGA) native resolution. Dedicated hardware will ensure image scaling across all those pixels without taxing the GPU. That allows game developers, for example, to write to a lower resolution (requiring less horsepower) and then scale up as required while remaining compatible to a variety of screen resolutions.

Now, for those playing along at home, the HD2 getting ready to launch on T-Mobile in the USA is also WVGA and it features a 1GHz Snapdragon processor from Qualcomm, Microsoft’s WP7 silicon partner. So we can assume (but not guarantee) that it meets the image scaling hardware requirements described by Hargreaves. Man, if only the HD2 had three-buttons.

[Thanks, Cytrix]

Pool in the Pool

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How cool would having a pool inside your pool be?


Opulent items (really cool site by the way!) is offering weatherproof pool tables that can be used outdoors and even in the pool.  Each extravagant pool table is custom made and professionally installed. Prices begin at $6500, which is pretty steep but if you have it, this has to be among the coolest ways to spend it (if you already have this awesome pool of course).

Modern Furniture The Sony Fusion

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Despite having a large empty desk and a room at home devoted entirely to being an office space, my laptop pretty much lives on my coffee table.  I’m not really sure why, it just always winds up this way –  probably has something to do with constantly multitasking.

Luckily someone at Sony must have been experiencing the same thing. The Sony Fusion is a coffee table with a built in laptop! A simple push of a button converts the table into a work station with a touch sensitive keyboard and adjustable screen.  It’s not available yet, but this brilliant concept is expected to be in production soon, in three different colors and around $3000.

E6 – Oh IE6… Why Must We Live With You?

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IE6 Tips

IE6 – Oh IE6… Why Must We Live With You?

Well we all know IE6 is poo, that’s just a given. So we wont get into any sort of rants about ‘don’t we have enough browsers to test on?‘, ‘it’s not even supported anymore‘ or discuss such things as phasing out, browsers comparisons, percentages etc etc. It has been done to death… Although saying that, for those of you viewing this site in IE6, Cough… Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera or, to be fair even this would probably work better.

I have no doubt in my mind that what the digital revolution is doing for television, one day common sense will do for internet browsing and we will be rid of it forever, but until that day comes, we must live with IE6. So with that painful recognition, I thought I would put together and share a few common IE6 bugs, along with some helpful hints and tips to combat this crummy browser!

First, some advice

We can of course before we get into any bugs and fixes, help ourselves along by making sure all our code is built using semantic markup which validates and works in modern browsers. Never build your site for the older browsers first, always build for the newer ones then apply fixes for the older ones. This means you are future proofing your site. Also make sure a valid doctype is declared. If you do these things then you may not experience any bugs or issues. If you do come across a bug, fix it when you discover it as it is much easier to handle than trying to fix a boat load at the end of a project.

A handy CSS tip!

One trick I use regularly is the ‘* html‘ rule. This rule is ignored by all browsers other than IE6, allowing us to apply specific rules and styles for IE6 problem areas. This code in use could look something like:
* html p{

Using the above example, the font would be 14px and white in all modern browsers, but in IE6 it would display at 12px and be black. I sometimes use this rule to overcome some of the specific bugs highlighted below, also as a light weight alternative to replace pngs with gifs in IE6 instead of using the PNG fix which we will cover shortly.

The Double Margin Bug

Lets say we have an element on our page, a div for example. We need this div to be 500px wide and want to float it right with a margin-right of 10px. The CSS for this would look like:
div {
width: 500px;
float: right;
margin-right: 10px;

IE6, due to it being a genius browser will double the margin, so instead of 10px it makes it 20px. Marvelous!


1. You can set the element to have the property ‘display: inline;‘ which immediately remedies the issue, but this causes an element which does not have a float property attached to lose its static width. So this is not always a viable option.
2. Do not add margin-right to your element, but instead add padding-right. Again not always suitable as you may have a border or different background colour applied to your element.
3. Remove padding and margin all together from the element, and instead add a padding to the elements parent.
4. The * html fix mentioned above!

None ideal, but no bug fix is!

The Box Model

The Box Model is quite an annoying and very common IE6 bug and it involves a miscalculation of any element with a declared width. Your code could look something like:
div {
width: 500px;
padding: 20px;

IE6 calculates the width of the div to be 500px, whereas modern browsers will calculate the width of the div as 540px incorporating the 40px padding.

The solution:

The answer to this problem is to not add padding to the outer element, but instead embed an element, perhaps a ‘p’ tag or another div inside the parent div, and add your padding to this element instead. Creating:
div {
width: 500px;
div div {
padding: 20px;

The Stepdown Bug

This is an issue commonly found when creating elements like horizontal menus. It is caused by IE6 adding a line break after the floated element, which in turn knocks the next floated element down a line and so on.

The solution

There are two ways around this problem.
1. Set the elements that are floated, lets say the ‘li’ in a list to be ‘display:inline’, then display the embedded element as ‘display:block;’ An example of this would be:
ul li{
ul li a{

This allows us to remove the float property from the parent element, in turn removing the bug.
2. You can set the parent elements line-height to 0 causing the break to attain 0 height.

None Collapsable Elements

This is quite an annoying little bug, if you are trying to set an element with a 1px or 2px height property, IE6 ignores this and will not collapse the element down further than the height of the base font-size.

The solution

Simple solution to this one, we just need to add ‘overflow: hidden;‘ onto the element in question. This then ignores the height of the font in IE6 and sets the height of the element accordingly. Example:
div {
width: 400px;
height: 1px;
overflow: hidden;

No Hover States

In modern web design, we like interaction, meaning we try to add hover states to more things than just links. Most modern browsers support hover states on elements such as ‘li‘ ‘inputs‘ etc, but not IE6.
You can only have a hover state on an ‘a‘ element and it must include an ‘href‘.

The solution

Unfortunately the only solution to this problem is using a JavaScript fix, something similar to this, or you will just have to live with your users experiencing less interaction on IE6.

Alpha Transparency PNG

IE6 does not support transparent images, and it was only until IE7 was introduced did Microsoft decide to say, OK we will allow people to have pretty websites! Not a quote! Yes if you try to include a nice transparent png image on your website, IE6 will throw in a lovely Grey coloured background for you.

The solution

There are again a few workarounds to this issue.
1. Use the * html fix I highlighted above to specifically add a gif instead of a png image to your site. This does mean creating 2 images every time you want to use a png but it is very flexible and allows you to keep your code clean. something like the following would work:
background-image: url('images/BG-image.png');
* html div{
background-image: url('images/BG-image.gif');

2. You can use a This works by cleverly replacing the background with a blank 1px x 1px gif image. There are many different versions of this file, some only work with inline images, some can handle background images. The one I turn to can be downloaded here. It is simple to implement and contains instructions on use.

To Conclude

These are just some of the bugs we as web designers need to face when dealing with IE6, and these are some of the ways I deal with them. Not all are the best way, but they seem to work! If anyone has any preferred and tested methods covering some of the issues above, please feel free to post them below.

for more interesting posts on the above subject pls visit

A Breathtaking Residential Project in Peru by JSª Architects

source – author – Lavinia

JSª is a team of architects from Mexico City. They recently developed this breathtaking residential project situated by the beach in Lima, the capital of Peru. The location couldn’t be better- a peaceful area located not far away from the urban madness, where all the major events take place. A white and captivating exterior, with large windows draws attention to the building that houses 4 apartments. Stone stairs connect the levels on the outside.  A beautiful pool completes the mystical feel of this residential wonder. The interior design is modern and minimalist, with interesting furniture items and original color arrangements. We don’t know why the building is called “22″, but we really like its name. -via Platforma Arquitectura

residence in perumodern residencewq1 A Breathtaking Residential Project in Peru by JSª Architectsmodern residencegf1 A Breathtaking Residential Project in Peru by JSª Architectsmodern residenc221e1 A Breathtaking Residential Project in Peru by JSª Architectsmodern residenceds1 A Breathtaking Residential Project in Peru by JSª Architects residential project1 A Breathtaking Residential Project in Peru by JSª Architectsmodern residencfe1 A Breathtaking Residential Project in Peru by JSª Architectsmodern residenceg1 A Breathtaking Residential Project in Peru by JSª Architectsmodern residence121 A Breathtaking Residential Project in Peru by JSª Architectsmodern residence11 A Breathtaking Residential Project in Peru by JSª Architectsmodern residence211 A Breathtaking Residential Project in Peru by JSª Architectsmodern residenc212e1 A Breathtaking Residential Project in Peru by JSª Architectsmodern residenc21e1 A Breathtaking Residential Project in Peru by JSª Architectsmodern residence2 A Breathtaking Residential Project in Peru by JSª Architects
